If you want a partner who works out – start going to socials at your gym, or join a running club

For example, if you’d like to date someone who goes to spiritual talks, or political rallies, who volunteers at a care home or goes to festivals – you’re likely to find them in those places! If you’d like to date a professor- find out where they hang out after work. If you’d like a partner with a dog – go for walks in the park.

This part may require you to get out of your social comfort zone but, as we know in life: when you want different results, sometimes you’ve got to do something different. Going alone to events, meetups or classes can make us more open to meeting new people and more approachable. Alternatively you can try recruiting a friend to start a new hobby or join a club with you.

One thing to note is that our level of openness will affect how likely we are to take advantage of chance opportunities that come up. Noticing who is around us; being open to eye contact; flashing a quick smile at strangers; or being able to say a simple “hi”, makes us much more likely to connect with new people. If you feel too shy, try doing something by yourself that helps get you out of your comfort zone and boosts your social bravery – like ecstatic dance, singing or improvisation classes. Richard Wiseman’s book “The Luck Factor” also explains why some people seem to have more lucky chances than others, and how to emulate them.

It can also help to send a summary of the ideal partner description you put together to friends you trust, and ask them to stay on the look out for anyone single and eligible who matches it.Read More